Biden and What Might Have Been

What if Joe Biden had been able to put his ego aside? What if he actually became what he promised to be — a transitional rather than transformational figure, a president who would restore normalcy and rebuild the guard rails destroyed by his predecessor? And most importantly, what if he had committed to serve onlyContinue reading “Biden and What Might Have Been”

Disbar the Fake Electors

The lawyers who were among the 10 fake electors in Wisconsin should lose their law licenses. Yesterday Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul finally got around to charging three of the Wisconsin 10 with one felony forgery count each. You can read the complaint here. Why he did it now, five months before the next election,Continue reading “Disbar the Fake Electors”

What Did You Expect From Haley?

Nikki Haley wants to run for president in 2028. So, she did what she had to do and endorsed Donald Trump. While people like me admired Haley for standing up to Trump for as long as she did, it’s also true that people like me were never going to vote for her. Because, while IContinue reading “What Did You Expect From Haley?”

Reconsidering the Smoke-Filled Room

Maybe the League of Women Voters has been wrong all along. The progressive, wholesome, good government vision of our democracy is that everybody votes, that politicians fund their campaigns with small donations from civically-minded individuals and that nothing happens in a smoke-filled room. Well, we’ve pretty much achieved all that. Happy with what you’ve got?Continue reading “Reconsidering the Smoke-Filled Room”

The Dems Don’t Get Rural America

The Democrats have a good idea, but I’m not sure their execution of it is on the mark. The party is awash in cash so it has decided to spend $140 million on a campaign to better connect with rural America. That’s a good idea. But their strategy is questionable. Democrats have been getting pummeledContinue reading “The Dems Don’t Get Rural America”

A Good Day For Moderation

Yesterday’s elections weren’t going to be earth-shattering, but the results were still encouraging. Let’s review. Biden out-polled Trump. While it was a foregone conclusion that Joe Biden and Donald Trump would win their primaries, Biden got about 20,000 more votes than Trump. In a state where the last two elections have come down to 20,000Continue reading “A Good Day For Moderation”

Dems Continue to Lose Nonwhite Voters

Democrats are losing support among voters of color. Black, Hispanic and Asian voters are all trending away from them. But it’s not about race, it’s about class. College-educated voters of color are sticking with or increasing their support for Democrats. It’s blue collar voters that are moving rightward. As New York Times writer David LeonhardtContinue reading “Dems Continue to Lose Nonwhite Voters”

Will the Border Work For Dems?

Americans want something done at the southern border. Democrats, to the outrage of their hard-left wing, are serious about doing something meaningful as are some Senate Republicans. But the Trumpy Party as a whole would rather exploit the issue than deal with it. Will voters notice? This week we got a clear picture — asContinue reading “Will the Border Work For Dems?”

The Q&Q For 2/9/24

This week’s quote comes to us from Rep. Mike Gallagher, one of only three Republicans to defy his party and vote against the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In a piece in the Wall Street Journal, Gallagher wrote: “I disagree with my Republican colleagues who voted on Tuesday to impeach Mr. Mayorkas. ImpeachmentContinue reading “The Q&Q For 2/9/24”

Trump Kills Immigration Deal

What’s best for the country is that we come up with policies that bring order to the chaos at our southern border. That would also be good for Pres. Joe Biden and Democrats who are just getting killed on this issue. That’s why I was so pleasantly surprised that Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell wasContinue reading “Trump Kills Immigration Deal”