Reconsidering the Smoke-Filled Room

Maybe the League of Women Voters has been wrong all along. The progressive, wholesome, good government vision of our democracy is that everybody votes, that politicians fund their campaigns with small donations from civically-minded individuals and that nothing happens in a smoke-filled room. Well, we’ve pretty much achieved all that. Happy with what you’ve got?Continue reading “Reconsidering the Smoke-Filled Room”

The Q&Q For 3/22/24

This week’s quote comes to us from Assembly Speaker Robin Vos who, when asked about those who organized an effort to obtain signatures to recall him, replied: “The people who did this? Whack jobs and morons.” A) 2,500 votes. B) 250 votes. C) 25 votes. D) Steen actually won, he won by a lot, butContinue reading “The Q&Q For 3/22/24”

Dems Continue to Lose Nonwhite Voters

Democrats are losing support among voters of color. Black, Hispanic and Asian voters are all trending away from them. But it’s not about race, it’s about class. College-educated voters of color are sticking with or increasing their support for Democrats. It’s blue collar voters that are moving rightward. As New York Times writer David LeonhardtContinue reading “Dems Continue to Lose Nonwhite Voters”

The Q&Q For 2/23/24

This week’s quote comes to us from Wisconsin state Sen. Van Wanggaard who said in a statement: “Republicans were not stuck between a rock and hard place. It was a matter of choosing to be stabbed, shot, poisoned or led to the guillotine. We chose to be stabbed, so we can live to fight anotherContinue reading “The Q&Q For 2/23/24”