The Q&Q For 3/22/24

This week’s quote comes to us from Assembly Speaker Robin Vos who, when asked about those who organized an effort to obtain signatures to recall him, replied:

“The people who did this? Whack jobs and morons.”

  1. In 2022 Trump backed a candidate, Adam Steen, in the primary against Vos. Vos beat Steen by:

A) 2,500 votes.

B) 250 votes.

C) 25 votes.

D) Steen actually won, he won by a lot, but the election was stolen by “illegals,” Milwaukee elections officials who dumped ballots in the wee hours of the morning and AntiFa activists who stuffed drop boxes with fake ballots for Vos.

2. Why didn’t the organizers of the recall just wait a few months for the Republican primary in August, especially since the Legislature is out of session anyway?

A) Because they’re whack jobs and morons.

B) Because they can’t figure out how to work those calendar things on their iPhones.

C) Because it’s intolerable that a seat that could be held by a truly crazy extreme conservative is held by a mere extreme conservative for a moment longer.

D) Because Trump told them to recall Vos.

3. The recall organizers want to take down Vos, in part, because he hasn’t done enough to crack down on what they see as rampant voter fraud, and yet Vos alleges:

A) At least 21 people have signed affidavits claiming that they never signed recall petitions on which their names appear.

B) At least 431 signers didn’t provide their correct municipality.

C) At least 831 signers didn’t provide complete information.

D) Vos’ own signature appeared on a petition.

4. Vos currently represents the 63rd district, but new maps approved by the Supreme Court now have him in the new 33rd district. If the recall were successful, which district would he have to run in?

A) The 63rd.

B) The 33rd.

C) Whichever district had the most valid signatures.

D) Nobody knows.

5. How many valid signatures did organizers need?

A) 10,150.

B) 9,480.

C) 6,850.

D) 5,200.

6. “Whack jobs and morons” also might describe:

A) Former Justice Michael Gabelman, hired by Vos to investigate “fraud” in the 2020 election.

B) Rep. Janel Brandtjen, who continues to press bizarre election conspiracy theories.

C) Donald Trump.

D) About two-thirds of Vos’ own Assembly Republican caucus.


1: B

2: All answers are acceptable.

3: All answers are correct.

4: D. The Supreme Court has agreed to decide the question.

5: C

6: All answers are acceptable.

One thing’s for sure. As a YSDA reader you are neither a moron nor a whack job.

Lots of basketball all weekend. Who wants to see the Badgers square off against Marquette in the Sweet 16 next weekend? I don’t know. Badgers would have to get by Duke, but you never know.

See you Monday.

Published by dave cieslewicz

Madison/Upper Peninsula based writer. Mayor of Madison, WI from 2003 to 2011.

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