The Update: Joe’s Woes

The Chiefs won just as the NFL and Joe Biden arranged it and as was mandated by the U.N.’s Agenda 21. I’m pretty sure George Soros was also involved. Let’s catch up on what else happened last week.

Not up for the job. Pres. Joe Biden and his supporters are right that the special counsel took a gratuitous swipe at Biden’s age in his report that ultimately recommended no charges against him for taking classified documents when he left the vice presidency. But Robert Hur, who had been appointed a U.S. Attorney by Donald Trump but was appointed to be special counsel in this case by Attorney General Merrick Garland, may have done us all a favor by turning up the heat on a debate about age that shouldn’t — and can’t — be swept under the carpet. Biden is a good man who has done a good job, but he’s just too old and frail for the rigors of being president going forward. Faced with a choice between a man who’s unfit due to infirmity and one who’s unfit due to his character, I’ll vote for Biden, of course. But don’t make me make that choice. It’s time for him to step down as a candidate so that the Democrats can nominate someone younger who has a better shot at beating Trump. I like Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky. More on all this tomorrow.

Reading the Wisconsin tea leaves. There’s a new Marquette Law School poll out and it has interesting news for the prospects of beating Trump here. It shows Trump and Biden in a dead heat as expected, but I found two points instructive. The first is that while Biden leads Trump with independents, Trump has a huge lead — 19 points — in the enthusiasm of his supporters. That just underscores my point above. Few Democrats have any enthusiasm for Biden, but I would add a caveat. While Democrats and independents might not be excited by Biden, they are excited to vote against Trump. So, the question may obscure the answer in this case. The other thing I found interesting — and it’s related to the first — is that Nikki Haley beats Biden by 22 points. Again, more support for the notion that Biden should step aside. While Haley has no chance at the nomination, barring Trump’s death and maybe not even then, these numbers again suggest that few people will vote for Biden, they’ll vote against Trump. With Trump out of the equation, Biden would get crushed. A fresh face is almost certain to have a better chance against either Trump or, if lightning should strike him (and I like to think about that), Haley or someone else.

Didn’t see that one coming. It wasn’t that surprising that Rep. Mike Gallahger defied his party to vote against the unjustified impeachment of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas. He’s been a maverick before. But it was a real shock to hear him announce two days later that he wasn’t running for reelection. He had said back in June, in announcing that he had taken a pass on challenging Sen. Tammy Baldwin, that he would run for a fifth term representing his Northeast Wisconsin congressional district. Obviously something happened and it’s pretty likely he’s not telling the full story. Let’s see what he does next.

Why is this so hard? A developer wants to replace the four crummy old buildings on State Street in Madison pictured at left with the stately new building depicted below. He’s had to run through the gauntlet of city committees to get approval, which is still uncertain, and predictably the Madison Trust for Historic Preservation opposes it. I used to be into historic preservation, but I’ve become a skeptic. I think, at least as practiced in Madison, preservation has become incoherent, with no consistent or defensible strategy for what gets preserved and what doesn’t. And too often it is just used as a cudgel by people who oppose taller buildings.

But he’s got money for this. Milwaukee Brewers’ principal owner Mark Attanasio extorted $500 million out of Wisconsin and Milwaukee taxpayers for his stadium upgrades. Now, he’s part of a syndicate investing $3 billion in the PGA and he recently increased his stake in a soccer club in England. Glad we could help you with that, Mark.

Published by dave cieslewicz

Madison/Upper Peninsula based writer. Mayor of Madison, WI from 2003 to 2011.

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