Prepare for Trump, the Sequel

I had planned to save this one for the fall, but now I feel like it’s not too early to start preparing for a second Trump administration.

We can’t predict the future and nothing’s a sure thing, but we can make some educated guesses about probabilities. Now, in the wake of the reaction (or lack of one) to Trump’s conviction in his hush money trial, I put Biden’s chances of re-election at around 40%. He certainly can still win, but I think the odds aren’t in his favor and they’re getting worse.

The New York Times polled almost 2,000 people who had been polled earlier and found that there was only slight movement toward Biden after Trump’s convictions. And, of course, it’s likely that even that will disappear by November. In addition, Trump’s website crashed after the conviction with people trying to contribute money to his campaign. So, overall, I’d say the convictions were a net plus for Trump.

Adding to my discouragement is the fact that my party sees what’s happening and finds itself incapable of doing anything about it. It’s like being on a two-lane highway and seeing a truck coming at you in your lane. But with plenty of time to take evasive action, instead you say, ‘gee, that’s unfortunate.’ Splat.

It’s not that another candidate would necessarily beat Trump either. Again, it’s a matter of the odds. But I’d put the chances of Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear winning at around, say, 52%. Not a sure thing by any stretch of the imagination, but much better than Biden’s chances. (Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom’s prospects would rate lower than even Biden’s.)

It looks like he’ll be back.

In what other business would an organization see that its product was so unpopular with consumers and not change it? And yet here, with the future of American democracy at stake, the Democrats insist that they they’re stuck with a losing candidate and that’s that. Their latest desperate strategy is to give up on talking about Biden altogether and to bet everything on reminding voters how awful Trump is. Good luck with that. Trump has been everywhere forever. People know full well who he is. If you don’t despise him by now you never will.

So essentially, my party has a bad candidate, an even more unpopular vice presidential candidate and a questionable strategy to overcome their handicaps. Thus my decision to start preparing now for Trump 2.

Now to the actual program.

Canned goods are a good idea. I’ll be stockpiling them at my north woods cabin, which by the way, I plan to spend a lot more time at. I’ll need to get away from the overwrought angst of my neighbors on the Near Westside of Madison. Trump’s first election drove them to the rim of the canyon and George Floyd pushed them over it. It’s hard to imagine where they’ll go if Trump wins again, but I really don’t want to be around to see it.

Also, the UP contains actual Trump voters. I know some of them. They’re nice people. They help me lift heavy stuff and they give us fresh eggs from their chickens. I’m sure they conduct Satanic rituals involving the blood of liberal children now and then, but to each his own. Who I am to judge?

Next I’m going to look on the sunny side of life. I’m going to invest a little faith in the strength of our institutions. Think of the whole Trump thing as a stress test for the system. We survived the first round. Let’s see what we’ve got left in the tank for the next onslaught. For one thing, Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court hardly seem willing to do his bidding. I have some faith that checks and balances will check and balance a madman at the helm. And maybe what doesn’t kill us really will make us stronger.

Third, I’m going to double down on my efforts to understand Trump voters. (See the thing about the eggs above.) Even way back when I thought Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in, I wrote that after she won our first priority should be to understand and address the legitimate frustrations that forced so many people to vote for a man like Donald Trump.

While things didn’t turn out as planned, that project is more important than ever. If these people are going to be running the country for another four years, what are they really about? I don’t mean Trump himself or the people around him. They’re just a basketful of deplorables. And I don’t care much about country club Republicans who vote for him because he’ll lower their taxes. But I do care about blue collar voters, erstwhile Democrats, who vote for Trump as a way of sticking it to condescending liberals. The real animating force behind Trump is his notion of “owning the libs.”

So, how do those of us who are left-leaning centrists and neither know-it-all liberals nor quasi-fascists reconnect with those folks? That’s the central question of our time and not just here, but all over the world.

Maybe all this preparation will prove unnecessary. Biden’s behind but still in the race and we’ve got another five months to go. But I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed. And also, there’s nothing to be lost. No matter what happens I really like canned peaches.

Published by dave cieslewicz

Madison/Upper Peninsula based writer. Mayor of Madison, WI from 2003 to 2011.

4 thoughts on “Prepare for Trump, the Sequel

  1. You already lived through 4 years of Trump and nothing happened other than COVID which wasn’t his fault. For such a madman, the US wasn’t supporting any new wars such as Ukraine and Hamas-Israel. Something called the Abraham accords ring a bell?? African-Americans and Hispanics seem to be migrating toward the racist madman in recent polls. Even LGBT whatever folks might like to see a lower cost of living because they weren’t being thrown out of buildings during the first Trump term unlike in some other sh*thole countries in the world.

    Trump voters are the ones who have been left behind. All you need to look at is the small towns in places like the UP, boarded up downtown stores and hardly any new businesses. They don’t get $30,000 in forgiveness for their car loans unlike some people now with their student loans. Hey, Trump says he will not tax my tips – what a concept! And they’re not getting free room and board like the illegal immigrants flooding the country.

    Most reasonable people look at the first Trump term as filled with peace and prosperity until COVID came and made everybody cray-cray. Trump is who he is and most people are not focusing on every minutiae or nuance of everything he says unlike the left. They sure don’t pay attention to anything Biden says while he slurs his words and looks like he’s taking a crap on the world stage that for any Republican President would have caused him to be removed from the ballot last year.

    You guys had your chance last year to remove Biden from the ballot, but it’s too late with all the ballots being printed out. The constitutional means is to have him be incapacitated or die and Kamala takes over. There won’t be any substitution at the convention – it’s ride or die with Biden! If there is substitution, it will cause more chaos than anything and Trump will win outright because Dems will be divided.

    Oh, do I support the Israel war? Hell no, and I don’t want to be involved in it. Israel has gone above and beyond with their destruction of the Palestinians. Doesn’t that sound like a far lefty? A vote for Trump will get us out of Ukraine and hopefully find a solution for Hamas/Israel. Biden will continue with the same old/same old and the wars will probably get worse!


    1. Donald Trump interfered with the peaceful transition of power. While I have many other disagreements with things that happened during the Trump administration everything else compared to his behavior after losing that election, and since, is silly. You may be comfortable sweeping that under the rug by saying “he is who he is”, but many of us are not.

      I will take old and slow over old and crazy any time that choice is on the ballot in front of me. I am not voting for Biden, but against Trump. We can survive four more years of a mediocre president.


      1. I understand. I was offering a reply to Bob.

        I, too, am also starting the process of resolving myself to a possible Trump second term and have no issue with what you wrote. Keep it up; your perspective is appreciated.


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